如何使用 "machismo" 造句
- 1. This kind of talk reduces men to insecure throwbacks with machismo and ego issues and women to conniving venal fools .
- 这种话题减少了人的不牢靠的具有男子气概和自负情绪的隔代,和女性的纵容,用金钱买得到的傻瓜。
- 2. The job now is to explain to russia that this may not have been such a victory for machismo , after all .
- 现在的工作是向俄罗斯解释,它毕竟还没有完全抖起来。
- 3. In fact , it is about more than machismo .
- 其实,它不仅仅关乎面子。
- 4. Foes have mocked the counterfeit machismo of his promise to " kick ass " .
- 对手讥讽他势必“严惩”的豪言壮语不过是一纸空文。
- 5. But brazilian machismo can be surprisingly easy to ignore . That may be because for men , too , work has never been better .
- 但是巴西的男子汉气概很容易就会被忽略,这或许是因为对巴西的男性来说,就业前景从未如此之好。