如何使用 "marksmanship" 造句
- 1. Marksmanship is still a priority as you learn firing .
- 枪法练习仍然是射击训练的首要任务。
- 2. He showed wonderful marksmanship and hit the enemy hard .
- 他表现出惊人的枪法,给了敌人以沉重的打击。
- 3. Any blank round you have not understood elder brother my marksmanship .
- 你还不了解哥哥我的枪法吗。
- 4. Acquisition primary good marksmanship and hammer , skelter , all evil miscreants ho unsparing .
- 习得一手好枪法和锤法,所向披靡,对一切邪恶之徒豪不留情.
- 5. In addition to developing into a talented combat pilot , juno excelled in starship repair , droid maintenance , and marksmanship .
- 朱诺不但成长为一名极具天分的作战飞行员,还精通飞船修理,机器人维护,枪法极准。