如何使用 "mercenary" 造句
- 1. But in other areas the state looks more mercenary .
- 但是其他领域,国企显得唯利是图了。
- 2. For a full minute , the mercenary couldn 't speak .
- 整整一分钟,雇佣兵没法开口。
- 3. Hirst is a former soldier traumatised during a stint working as a mercenary in yugoslavia .
- 赫斯特从前是个军人,在南斯拉夫做过佣兵,在一次紧急任务中负伤。
- 4. Exasperated marketers argue that confronted with such mercenary consumption patterns , they cannot understand their core markets .
- 营销人被激怒了,他们说:这种唯利是图的消费方式真让人摸不着头脑,这个核心市场到底在哪里啊。
- 5. Doctors are under intense pressure to generate extra income for their hospitals not to mention themselves leading patients to suspect them of practising mercenary medicine .
- 医生们承受着为医院(更不用说为他们自己)创造额外收入的巨大压力,这导致病人怀疑他们在行医时唯利是图。