如何使用 "misdiagnose" 造句

1. In many cases , doctors misdiagnose patients or give them the wrong treatment or not enough treatment .
2. Misdiagnose and analysis of family benign chronic pemphigus .
3. It is easy to misdiagnose in clinic , so must master the points of diagnosis and differentiation .
4. Result : the region and the clinical manifestation of tuberculosis in oral and maxillofacial region was diverse , which is apt to misdiagnose .
5. Results the characteristics of restrictive myocardiopathy in color doppler echocardiography were obvious , express by hypertrophy of myocardia and thickness of endocardium increasing echo and higher density atrium-ventricular value involvement , limitation of ventricular dilatation movement color doppler echocardiography can made correct diagnosis except one case misdiagnose as constrictive pericarditis .