如何使用 "mountainous" 造句
- 1. The mountainous country is rich in minerals , but the investment risk is only growing .
- 虽然这个多山之国矿产丰富,但是投资的风险却日益加大。
- 2. In mountainous , rice-growing guangxi , peng yingxue began piano lessons when she was four .
- 在多山的水稻种植地广西,彭映雪(音译)4岁时就开始上钢琴课。
- 3. We expect that these mountainous jerks will soon threaten every aspect of our lives , from sex to sports .
- 我们预计这些巨大的笨蛋们迟早会威胁到我们生活的方方面面,从性爱到体育。
- 4. Yunnan is a quake-prone , mountainous region that lies on china 's southern border with thailand and burma .
- 云南是一个地震频发且多山的地区,位于中国的南部,与泰国和缅甸相邻。
- 5. The three say they were hiking in a mountainous border region and have denied the spying charges .
- 三人说他们是在一个多山的边境地区徒步旅行,否认对他们的间谍行为的指控。