如何使用 "musty" 造句

1. That 's a story I sure would like to find in a musty box someday .
2. Poipet , cambodia - one thinks of slavery as an evil confined to musty sepia photographs .
3. Ms russell has produced a rich and humid world of spirits and dreams , buzzing mosquitoes and prehistoric reptiles , baby-green cocoplums and marsh rabbits , and musty old tomes about heroes and spells .
4. The objective was to bring ancient musty texts out of inaccessible libraries and reproduce them in modern volumes for all to see and study .
5. Here , I was allowed to wander the musty aisles , before being taken into one of the offices to gaze upon the fabled wall of found : a series of noticeboards that I was given permission to partially dismantle for the purpose of this piece .
