如何使用 "nappy" 造句
- 1. Nappy washing services have the highest footprint of all .
- 洗尿布服务的碳足迹是最高的。
- 2. A young girl pretending to change a doll 's nappy .
- 一个小姑娘在假装更换一个玩偶的尿布。
- 3. The main ingredient of a nappy is cellulose , an annoyingly persistent material .
- 尿布的主要组成部分是纤维素,它是一种烦人的顽固性物质。
- 4. Even a clean nappy would hang around for a long time in a dump .
- 即使是干净的尿布也会在填埋区呆很长时间才能降解。
- 5. So , they decided to investigate nappy consumption on the ground and discovered an interesting cultural twist .
- 于是,他们决定对那里的纸尿布消费进行一次实地调查,结果发现了一种有趣的文化差异。