如何使用 "nationalization" 造句
- 1. But nationalization doesn 't make these problems disappear .
- 可是“国有化”并不会让这些问题消失。
- 2. The opponents of this nationalization programme must be destroyed .
- 必须彻底摧毁这场国民归化运动的敌人。
- 3. Nationalization rather than privatization will be in favor as governments take over ownership of many weak companies .
- 国有化,而不是私有化,将会受到了接管了许多弱势企业的政府的无比青睐。
- 4. An unappetizing prospect is one of creeping nationalization , in which only the public sector creates employment .
- 缓慢前行的企业国有化带来的前景并不被看好,这种情况下只有公共部门能够创造工作岗位。
- 5. Outright nationalization and haircutting of creditors will do just the opposite .
- 彻底的国有化和对债权人扣减率的行为会起到相反的作用。