如何使用 "noodle" 造句
- 1. The meat 's importance goes far beyond prices at the corner noodle stand .
- 像面条的重要性一样,猪肉的重要性远远超过价格。
- 2. The doctor cares about stuff and uses his considerable noodle to fight injustice tyranny and exploitation .
- 博士关心食物,并且用他显著的面条与不公正战斗,霸道且过度推销。
- 3. Those who follow asia 's fta mania refer to this as the " noodle bowl " .
- 那些亚洲的自由贸易协定的狂热者称之为“面条现象”。
- 4. They cut , slice , pull and even use a chopstick to create different noodle shapes .
- 为了做出形状各异的面条,师傅们采用了切、削和擀的手法,有时甚至还会用上一根筷子。
- 5. I 'm still not sure whether to call this a warm salad or a room-temperature noodle dish , but I was happy to call it dinner .
- 我还拿不定主意是叫它热沙拉还是常温下的面条菜肴,但是我很乐意称之为晚餐。