如何使用 "offense" 造句
- 1. His way was to develop a new style of offense .
- 他的方法就是设计一种新型的进攻风格。
- 2. Your mind will want to keep returning to the original offense .
- 你的大脑会想要回归到原先的冒犯。
- 3. Carr was not arrested or cited with any offense .
- 卡尔并没有因任何过错而被拘捕或传讯。
- 4. Her offense : displaying unabashed ego by publicizing a list of extreme demands for a boyfriend .
- 她的罪过是:公开找男友的苛刻要求来展示其毫不掩饰的自信。
- 5. I watched him scowl at news reports on sina and sohu about everything from japan 's secret military ambitions to koizumi 's latest offense of the week .
- 新浪网、搜狐网上关于日本不可告人的军事野心、关于小泉一周最新攻击言论的报道都让他愤怒。
Nearby words
trespass lapse misdeed wrongdoing transgression breach sin sacrilege shortcoming infringement peccadillo violation profaneness desecration dereliction infraction blasphemy charge felony
indignation hatred disgust animosity hostility tiff huff antipathy animus resentment umbrage aversion petulance enmity repulsion opposition disapprobation detestation repugnance annoyance revulsion displeasure