How to Use "overly" with Example Sentences
- 1. An overly developed competitive streak can cause trouble .
- 过度发达的竞争力有可能带来麻烦。
- 2. They did not get overly excited .
- 他们没有变的过度兴奋。
- 3. But he is not overly sentimental .
- 但他并没有过度感伤。
- 4. This friend is overly dependent on you for emotional support or information .
- 这种朋友在情感方面或者信息方面过度依赖于你。
- 5. Those with fibromyalgia seem to be overly sensitive to pain signals .
- 那些患上纤维组织肌痛症的病人似乎对疼痛信号过度敏感。