如何使用 "patrilocal" 造句
- 1. The phrase indicates proper conducted relations among unequal statuses , principally those of patrilineal descent , patrilocal marriage , and patriarchy , analogically extended , to ruler and subject and to trusted associates , like siblings , and their networks .
- 礼尚往来这个词是在地位不平等的人之间进行的。主要是父系继嗣、父系婚姻和父权制中的不平等,以此类推到统治者、随从和亲信,比如兄弟姐妹以及他们的亲戚们。
- 2. The patrilinear patrilocal system in which only male succession is considered valid and newlyweds preferably cousins in the ideal arab marriage live under the roof and authority of the father inhibits all social progress .
- 在父系,依父系而居的制度下,只有男性传承才被认为是有效的,新婚夫妇即理想的阿拉伯婚姻中的表亲居住在父辈的屋檐与权威之下,从而遏制了社会进步。