如何使用 "pdf" 造句
- 1. Appleinsider has made a pdf of the amended complaint available here .
- 苹果公司内部人士制作了一份pdf版的修订起诉书,可点击此处查看。
- 2. If you have a subscription to thenew yorker , it 's available as a pdf here .
- 订阅了《纽约客》杂志的读者可以点击此处获得这篇文章的PDF版本。
- 3. This article is also available as a pdf download .
- 这篇文章另有pdf版本可供下载。
- 4. Oedipus the king by sophocles ( download pdf )
- 俄狄浦斯王(索福克勒斯)-下载
- 5. So says a new report ( pdf ) from the georgia tech information security center .
- 佐治亚理工学院信息安全中心一份新的报告如是说。