How to Use "pitiable" with Example Sentences
- 1. Fifty thousand refugees have arrived at nanking in a pitiable condition .
- 五万灾民涌入南京,处境可怜。
- 2. They looked like pitiable young boys .
- 他们更像可怜的小男孩。
- 3. She had no fear of the shadows ; her sole idea seemed to be to shun mankind - or rather that cold accretion called the world , which , so terrible in the mass , is so unformidable , even pitiable , in its units .
- 她并不害怕黑夜;她唯一的念头就是避开人类或者不如说是被称作世界的冷酷的生命群体,它作为整体是如此令人可怕,而作为个体却又不那样令人害怕,甚至是可怜的。