如何使用 "polished" 造句
- 1. Polished shoes , pressed shirts and well-fitted pants always .
- 一直穿着擦亮的皮鞋,烫过的衬衣,订做的裤子。
- 2. But viewers saw a clean polished performance such is the magic of chinese tv !
- 但是观众看到的是一场干净利落、优美的表演这就是中国电视的魅力!
- 3. In place of a polished , gleaming cylinder-head there were batteries and electric motors to drive the 2.5 tonne aluminium giant .
- 优美闪亮的汽缸盖处装备了电池和电动机,足可驱动2.5公吨的大块铝。
- 4. The first impression is of light and space . Clean lines of polished wood and glass doors and panels engraved with desert motifs create an ambience of casual elegance .
- 车厢给人的第一印象是明亮宽敞,木器、玻璃门和刻有沙漠纹饰的铭牌擦得铮亮,营造出优雅的环境。
- 5. And polished my good shoes as well .
- 还把我那双好皮鞋擦亮的人。