如何使用 "pricey" 造句

1. Small , pricey hotels also can promise exclusivity .
2. Would people really accept pricey free-range beef and scrawny barnyard chickens perhaps once or twice a week ?
3. Few chinese traveled for fun and those that did had to choose between austere government-run guesthouses and pricey western-style hotels .
4. This car cost me $ 4000 , I had worked full-time for the remainder of my freshman year ( while maintaining a 4.0 grade point average ) in order to purchase this car and afford my very pricey insurance ......
5. " When we get money , we 'll drink beer and eat barbecue . We 'll eat meat and drink pricey beer , whatever we damn want , " writes one anonymous text messenger . " We 'll buy two bottles of beer , drink one - and then drink the other one . "