How to Use "profiteer" with Example Sentences
- 1. Nature is a short-term darwinian profiteer .
- 自然是追求短期达尔文主义利益的投机商。
- 2. For many he would always be a traitor and a terrorist as well as an amoral profiteer .
- 在很多人看来,他将一直是个叛国贼、恐怖分子,一个没有道德的奸商。
- 3. You have called me a iiar and a thief and a war profiteer !
- 你说我是个骗子,小偷,发战争财!
- 4. You are certainly a profiteer . Hopefully you will be as enterprising during our time working together .
- 你还真是够狡猾的,希望在我们合作的这段时间你能多少有点进取心。
- 5. At that time , the prices of many commodities are not the same in different places and cities in china , thus " profiteer " emerged who were criticized as " secondhand dealer " . They transported for long distance , speculated and earned the price difference .
- 那时候,中国各地之间、城市之间的很多商品价格并不一致,所以出现了“倒爷”,这些人被批评为“二道贩子”,搞长途贩运,搞投机倒把,赚取差价。