如何使用 "prosciutto" 造句

1. Turn dough , then top browned side with tomato sauce , cheese , a bit of salt and pepper , and , if you like , prosciutto and / or basil leaves .
2. Pig 's noses , cheek and feet , which all find use in nizzoli 's kitchen , cost half a euro a kilo , compared with over 20 for cured pig 's ham or prosciutto .
3. Dr. landau , a food columnist for haaretz and the author of three cookbooks with mediterranean recipes , found the pork of his dreams in italy , where he studied medicine near parma and tasted his first real prosciutto .
4. A foodie may happily gorge herself on articles about new salts or the best prosciutto , but that doesn 't mean she is going to buy those products .