如何使用 "psychotherapist" 造句
- 1. A psychotherapist 's main job is to act as a guide in your recovery and healing process .
- 心理治疗师的主要工作就是,要在你的治愈和康复过程中起到引导作用。
- 2. In 1996 , heidemarie , a former schoolteacher and psychotherapist , decided to try to live without money for a year as an experiment .
- 海德玛丽以前当过教师和心理治疗师,她于1996年决定作个实验,尝试一下没有钱能不能生活一年。
- 3. But experts like binnie klein , a connecticut-based psychotherapist and lecturer in yale 's department of psychiatry , agree that alternative relationships are on the rise .
- 但是像康涅狄格州的心理治疗师以及精神病学系讲师宾尼克莱因这样的专家认为另一种的恋爱关系正在增加。
- 4. Kahr has spent years amassing this material , using face-to-face interviews and an anonymous questionnaire , as well as drawing on his clinical experience as a psychotherapist .
- 卡尔的这份材料是通过经年累月,面对面的访谈和匿名问卷搜集到的,同时他作为一名心理治疗师,其临床经验也是一个来源。
- 5. Sometimes , the causes of performance problems go deeper , and therapy is needed to heal past traumas , says david grand , a new york psychotherapist and performance coach .
- 纽约心理治疗师和绩效辅导教练格兰德(davidgrand)说,有时,状态低迷的原因会隐藏得很深,需要对过去受到的精神创伤进行治疗。