如何使用 "purist" 造句
- 1. This one 's for the e-reader purist who prefers buttons that actually click .
- 该款产品专为钟爱按键操作的纯粹电子书爱好者设计。
- 2. In many ways , veasey is a craft business purist .
- 在许多方面,veasey是一个纯粹的手工艺生意人。
- 3. Is not a purist approach to assessing the consumption patterns over time ( we should discount the future flows of services ) .
- 并不是一种按照时间推移来评估消费模式的完美方法(我们也应该折算出未来产生的服务)。
- 4. You 're not going to earn cocktail purist kudos for ordering a frozen margarita , but who cares about drink snobbery when it 's 97 degrees outside ?
- 点一杯冰冻玛格丽特不会赢得鸡尾酒纯粹主义者的赞赏,但外面华氏97度的时候谁还会在乎那些附庸风雅的酒徒呢?
- 5. If you 're a purist elegant and graceful styles are the means to go .
- 如果你是一个纯粹优雅和优美的风格是手段去。