如何使用 "questionable" 造句
- 1. Still , they cited a number of instances of questionable accounting .
- 但他们也指出了几个可疑会计问题。
- 2. That now looks like a highly questionable assumption .
- 目前看来,这一点不过是高度可疑的设想。
- 3. Bear was a major promoter of the most questionable subprime lenders .
- 贝尔斯登不遗余力地为最成问题的次级贷款放款人摇旗呐喊。
- 4. A report by abc on toyota has gained wide attention but also appears questionable .
- 美国广播公司(abc)对丰田的报道引起广泛关注,但看起来也很可疑。
- 5. That way , the browser kernel-which interacts directly with the operating system-is shielded from anything questionable lurking outside .
- 如此一来,浏览器内核与操作系统直接交互得以免遭任何潜伏在外的可疑程序攻击。