如何使用 "saliency" 造句
- 1. To investigate the role of saliency and its contribution to drawing the owl 's attention , we used a popular bottom-up computational model .
- 为了探究凸起的作用和它对引起仓注意力的作用,我们用了一个通俗的由下而上的计算模型。
- 2. Visual saliency is measured through a spatiotemporal attention model driven by intensity , color and motion .
- 视觉特征主要是视频图像的光强,颜色和运动的时空信息。
- 3. As biblical authority has been abandoned in practice , as its truths have faded from christian consciousness , and as its doctrines have lost their saliency , the church has been increasingly emptied of its integrity , moral authority and direction .
- 随着圣经的权威在实际运用中被贬低、随着圣经的真理在圣徒醒觉中的退色、也随着教义业已失去了它原有的显著地位,教会正日益丧失她的完全性、道德权柄及指导作用。
- 4. However , it is clear that a substantial and varied quantity of written material containing information on chinese core values and practices was exported continuously to neighboring areas over a period of centuries and achieved a considerable degree of saliency and influence in those areas .
- 然而,很明显,实质的、大量的不同书面材料包含着中国人的核心价值观和行为方式的信息,其在相当长时期内被不断地输出到邻邦地区,并对该地区产生了显著的影响。
- 5. In the last study , the researcher experimentally manipulated the saliency of an individual 's hourly wage rate to see if this influenced the strength of the relationship between income and happiness .
- 在过去的研究中,研究人员实验操纵一个人的小时工资率显着性,看看是否影响了收入和幸福之间关系的实力。