How to Use "sanctify" with Example Sentences
- 1. Remember the sabbath day so as to sanctify it .
- 当记念安息日,将这日分别为圣。
- 2. Did not sanctify god but was seeking his own glory .
- 不尊神为圣,求自己的荣耀。
- 3. Sanctify them through thy truth : thy word is truth .
- 求你用真理使他们成圣。你的道就是真理。
- 4. And jehu said , sanctify a solemn assembly for baal .
- 耶户说,要为巴力召开严肃会。
- 5. 7 Sanctify them in the truth ; your word is truth .
- 7求你用真理圣别他们,你的话就是真理。