How to Use "sanctuary" with Example Sentences
- 1. The hotel felt like a sanctuary from the chaos outside .
- 酒店感觉就像个避难所,远离外界的混乱局势。
- 2. Members of both groups have found sanctuary with the milf and a haven on mindanao .
- 这两个组织的成员得到摩罗伊斯兰自由阵线的庇护,在棉兰老岛有一个避风港所。
- 3. This makes them virtually unbeatable : no counter-insurgency has been won against enemies enjoying such a sanctuary .
- 这些使得他们战无不胜:由于他们享有如此绝佳的庇护所,反叛行动没有一次战胜这些敌人。
- 4. Before , the basement had been my sanctuary .
- 过去,地下室是我的一处圣所。
- 5. A core premise of the sanctuary work is that the best place to resolve differences among people and to create trust is in the community .
- “圣殿”活动最重要的前提是要提供一个解决人们分歧的最好地方,并在其中建立信任感。