How to Use "scaffolding" with Example Sentences
- 1. The city today goes on putting up scaffolding and high-rises .
- 今天的城市继续搭建脚手架和高层建筑。
- 2. When scaffolding 's up I ask the builders what 's going on .
- 每当搭起脚手架,我总会问建筑工人这是怎么回事。
- 3. He said they climbed down the scaffolding four stories before being rescued by firefighters .
- 被消防员救下来的时候他们已经沿脚手架下爬了4层。
- 4. A portion of the white house would be covered by scaffolding all through my first term .
- 在我第一个任期内,白宫的某一角外始终搭着脚手架。
- 5. Mr. hoshi was building scaffolding at the turbine in the no. 5 reactor when the earthquake hit .
- 地震发生时,保志正嗣正在五号反应堆的涡轮机处搭建脚手架。