如何使用 "sharecropper" 造句

1. The us could end up with a " sharecropper economy , " where americans largely work for foreign-owned firms .
2. $ 200is Taken away from an industrial tycoon and given to a poor sharecropper .
3. James , a sharecropper 's son , was studying airplane hydraulics . Michael was the fourth of five children born to the jordans . He has two older brothers and an older and younger sister .
4. He wanted to own her as wildly as a miser wants to own gold coins , as hungrily as a sharecropper wants to own his own land .
5. But it was he , the sharecropper 's son , who had felt the sharper edge of segregation , " the animosity , hatred , bigotry , you name it " . He punched his bag at home because the town playgrounds were closed to him .