How to Use "shirk" with Example Sentences
- 1. To not be connected is to shirk our social responsibilities .
- 不与外界联通就相当于逃避我们的社会责任。
- 2. That is our calling , and we do not shirk it .
- 但这就是我们的职业,我们从不逃避。
- 3. Gou on tuesday said he isn 't trying to shirk anything .
- 周二,郭台铭说他没试图推卸任何责任。
- 4. Democracy has its flaws : populism , the excessive power of lobbyists , the urge to make unaffordable promises and to shirk reforms .
- 民主体制的确存在缺陷:民粹主义、游说势力过大、政客们很容易做出不切实际的承诺并逃避改革。
- 5. We sometimes expect fathers to shirk their responsibility ; but when mothers do it , it shakes the core of what we 've been taught to believe about women and maternal instinct .
- 我们有时候也预料到父亲会逃避责任,但当母亲这么做的时候,我们所学的有关母亲和母性本能的核心被撼动了。