如何使用 "shocking" 造句
- 1. Such indifference is still shocking even for this country .
- 这个国家的这种冷漠,时至今日仍然是令人震惊的。
- 2. The tortoise doesn 't even know this is shocking .
- 老乌龟甚至还不知道这是多么令人震惊。
- 3. The sheer expanse of the emptiness is shocking .
- 整个地方巨大的空旷感让人触目惊心。
- 4. The first was devastating , the second terrifying , the third shocking .
- 广岛的影响是毁灭性的,切尔诺贝利事故骇人听闻,福岛核危机令人震惊。
- 5. Nameless narrators describe strange and often shocking encounters in cool , almost ordinary language .
- 佚名叙述者描述了离经叛道甚而多是骇人听闻的故事,用语却是冷淡,或可以算上平常的语句。