如何使用 "solvable" 造句
- 1. Mr. hutter , the venture capitalist , says that problem is solvable .
- 风险投资人胡特尔则认为,这个问题是可以解决的。
- 2. The tarp auction is a fiendishly difficult design problem , but it looks solvable .
- 不良资产救助计划拍卖会的设计极其艰难,但似乎是可以解决的。
- 3. Biological boundaries that most people think of as permanent and inevitable singularitarians see as merely intractable but solvable problems .
- 大多数人认为生物的局限性是永恒存在且不可避免的,但奇点主义者却将其视为一个虽棘手但可以解决的难题。
- 4. But you need to determine if you 're contributing to the problem by ignoring solvable performance issues , being confrontational or enabling the bad behavior .
- 但你得弄清楚自己是否也有责任,比如忽视本可以解决的工作表现问题,态度咄咄逼人或者纵容不好的行为。
- 5. What lends the new brazil its excitement and promise is that the political and economic stability the country has recently won make such problems seem manageable and solvable .
- 让巴西人兴奋不已,让其看起来前途无量的是其政治和经济的稳定,这便使得上述问题看起来是可以治理的,也是可以解决的。