如何使用 "suicide" 造句
- 1. Could living at high altitude raise suicide risk ?
- 生活在高海拔能增加自杀风险?
- 2. And was the master sargent 's death an act of heroism or suicide ?
- 军士长的死是英雄的行为呢?还是自杀行为呢?
- 3. Some conspiracy theorists believe his suicide by strangulation was in fact an assassination .
- 一些阴谋论者认为他实际上死于暗杀,而非上吊自尽。
- 4. Suicide didn 't cross her mind .
- 她从来没有自杀的念头。
- 5. Have you ever thought of suicide ?
- 你有过自杀的念头吗?