如何使用 "telltale" 造句
- 1. In official indian parlance such proof is grimly referred to as " telltale signs " .
- 印度官方严肃地将其称之为“蛛丝马迹”。
- 2. Researchers found the same telltale signature of drought in a deep-sea sediment core drilled from the gulf of oman .
- 研究人员在从阿曼海湾的深海沉积物中钻取的岩芯中发现了同样能说明问题的旱灾的迹象。
- 3. The telltale smell of cigarettes told her that he had been in the room .
- 那股明显的香烟味告诉她,他曾在这房间里呆过。
- 4. After intercepting the key , she can make it record just the right pattern of bits without any of the telltale errors her eavesdropping was supposed to introduce .
- 在截获了密钥之后,她可以使探测器只是记录那些正确的比特配对,而不包含任何本该因她的窃听而留下的泄露天机的误差。
- 5. The new techniques he developed with his co-authors -- once thought to be technically impossible , or at least 10 years into the future -- will help astronomers identify the telltale signatures of black hole mergers .
- 他和他的合作者开发的新技术初看在技术上似乎不可能,或者至少得等上十年将帮助天文学家们分辨出黑洞合并时隐藏的特征信号。