如何使用 "tension" 造句
- 1. A certain tension pervaded the atmosphere .
- 全场弥漫着紧张的气氛。
- 2. Push-pull has a tension loop structure .
- 推挽式是一种有张力拉伸的环状结构。
- 3. Given the tension , just keeping talking seems accomplishment enough .
- 基于各种紧张局势,协谈已穷尽其所能。
- 4. Some on the business school side acknowledge the tension .
- 商学院这边有人承认已感受到了压力。
- 5. Lastly , there is the constant tension between the french and authority .
- 最后,法国和权力之间有一个持续的拉力。
stress pressure nervousness disquietude jumpiness vexation excitement inquietude encumbrance strain anticipation jitters ants sweat restlessness fretfulness trouble fear butterflies edginess anxiety perturbation apprehension uneasiness cumbrance concern worry heat suspense expectation burden disquiet agitation