如何使用 "tetanus" 造句

1. The world health organization estimates that 2 million children die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases such as diphtheria , tetanus , and whooping cough .
2. Since you are sensitive to the anti - tetanus serum , we will have to give it to you in four doses , at an interval of twenty minutes .
3. The root problem is that today 's parents are the first in history with no memory of the maiming and killing caused by polio , tetanus , diphtheria or measles .
4. Tetanus killed one of her children in infancy ; another is weak from diarrhoea , caused probably by the custom of keeping mother and baby isolated for a month after birth .
5. Most importantly , one-fifth of infants in the world still do not have access to the six key vaccines : against diphtheria , pertussis , polio , measles , tetanus and tuberculosis .