如何使用 "trauma" 造句
- 1. Has the trauma of iraq made americans more isolationist ?
- 伊拉克战争的创伤是否让美国人更孤立?
- 2. Authorities say head trauma and broken bones are among the more serious injuries .
- 有关部门说,受伤乘客中情况较为严重的是头部外伤和骨折。
- 3. Globe rupture can occur secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma .
- 眼球破裂可继发于钝挫伤或穿透性损伤。
- 4. It was the defining trauma of his life .
- 那是他生活中起决定作用的创伤。
- 5. Chopin 's decrepit health reinforced his emotional trauma .
- 肖邦身体虚弱,加重了他的感情创伤。