How to Use "treaty" with Example Sentences
- 1. That does not make the treaty worthless .
- 这些因素使得该条约毫无价值。
- 2. They might even put the treaty to a referendum .
- 他们或许还将对该和平协议举行全民公投。
- 3. Military leaders are keen to join the treaty .
- 美国军方领导人也渴望加入该公约。
- 4. 2008 Gaddafi and silvio berlusconi sign co-operation treaty .
- 2008年卡扎菲和西尔维奥贝鲁斯科尼签署合作协定。
- 5. Treaty signatories will be expected to pass domestic legislation to ensure that their own arms firms comply .
- 根据预期,协约的签署国将通过国内立法来确保本国的武器公司的遵守。