如何使用 "ulcer" 造句
- 1. You deserve many sleepless nights and a stress ulcer .
- 你会有许多不眠之夜和应激性溃疡的。
- 2. Herbalists have long recommended ginger as ulcer therapy .
- 长期以来,草药专家推荐生姜用于溃疡治疗。
- 3. He had recurring nightmares and was diagnosed with an ulcer .
- 他噩梦不断,还长溃疡。
- 4. Patients may describe a nonhealing ulcer that bleeds with only mild trauma .
- 病人可能会描述眼睑上有一处长期不愈合的溃疡,且极易出血。
- 5. This can be through a genital ulcer which could bleed or through increased genital discharge .
- 因为生殖器的溃疡可导致出血或分泌物增多。