如何使用 "venereal" 造句
- 1. Those who wanted to keep the law contended that the statute was needed as a protection against venereal disease , but the court rejected that argument .
- 那些有些人希望此项法规继续实施,奋力主张此法规对于防止性传播疾病蔓延的必要性,但被最高法庭驳回。
- 2. Chinese medicinal powder for treating skin ulcer and venereal disease .
- 一种治疗皮肤溃疡与性病的中药散剂。
- 3. Have you ever contracted a venereal disease ?
- 你感染过性病吗?
- 4. Fornication in public was common and even children were routinely treated for venereal disease .
- 当时公开通奸很普遍,甚至孩子们也经常因为性病而接受治疗。
- 5. A soft , highly infectious , nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region , caused by the bacillus hemophilus ducreyi .
- 软下疳一种软而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起。