如何使用 "voluble" 造句
- 1. A small voluble figure , he preferred the spoken to the written word , and he took to television as a duck to water .
- 这位身材矮小的健谈者,更喜欢说而不喜欢写,面对电视仿佛如鱼得水。
- 2. Mr. li , 48 , is the voluble son of former farmers who has built one of china 's biggest privately owned car makers on the back of a tiny rural photo studio he started after finishing high school .
- 李书福今年48岁,非常健谈,出身于农民家庭,高中毕业后,从经营一家极小的农村照相馆开始,逐步建立起了中国最大的一个民营汽车制造企业。
- 3. And yet , about half - way through the book there begin to be wonderful glimpses of him through the eyes of his friends : vital , voluble , gesticulating , nervous and excitable , his english heavily accented , his face leathery , piratical .
- 而在书的中间开始描述朋友眼中奇妙的康拉德:充满活力,健谈,讲话时手舞足蹈,紧张而且敏感,他口音很重的英语,坚韧的海盗似的脸。
- 4. In a possible nod to kim 's alleged fondness for drink , normally voluble political blogger wu jiaxiang opted to simply post an animation of glasses clinking in celebration .
- 可能由于赞同所谓金正日嗜酒的观点,往常总口若悬河的政治博客写手吴夏江(音译)在评论中只用了一个简单的碰杯动画。
- 5. Putin presented a stark contrast to yeltsin . Yeltsin was large and stocky ; putin was compact and extremely fit from years of martial arts practice . Yeltsin was voluble ; the former kgb agent was measured and precise .
- 普京和叶利钦形成了鲜明的对比,叶利钦又高又胖,普京则因为长期的武术训练显得极为匀称结实;叶利钦口若悬河,这位前克格勃讲话却准确而有分寸。