如何使用 "vouch" 造句

1. I 'll vouch for the boy , tarkheena .
2. It would , after all , vouch for recently-launched efforts to promote chile internationally as a country that " does things well " .
3. " I 've known harry for a long time , and I 'll vouch for the fact that he would do anything for his country , " he said .
4. But when asked whether he would himself vouch for the chinese group , he said : " to look at every element of a company we represent , and to be able to judge on an individual basis every comment that is made about them , is just not our business . "
5. And there 's a privacy-first social network called connect . Me launching soon that promises to let you choose who gets to see what information about you ( as well as letting you vouch for the identity of people you know personally ) .