如何使用 "wax" 造句
- 1. When mixed with wax , it makes a plastic explosive .
- 当与蜡混合时,它就成了塑胶炸弹。
- 2. The end result is called adipocere , or grave wax .
- 其最终产物被称为尸蜡或者墓中蜡。
- 3. Put slightly differently , hexagonal cells allow bees to focus on producing honey and expend the least amount of energy making wax .
- 稍微换个说法:六边形的巢室允许蜜蜂专注产蜜,同时花在制造蜂蜡的力气最少。
- 4. The most common way to desensitise an explosive is by mixing it with a non-explosive material , such as wax or paper .
- 让炸药减敏的最常用方法是把它与石蜡或纸张等非爆炸物混合。
- 5. But don 't eat beans before you go because when they wax your butthole you have to pull your legs up to your chest and you might fart on them .
- 但是去之前别吃豆子,因为他们给你的菊花打蜡的时候你得拉起你的腿抵到胸部,你可能会冲着他们放屁。