如何使用 "whose" 造句
- 1. Whose day can you brighten today ?
- 今天你照亮了谁的生活?
- 2. But a breeze had risen whose breath I could feel on my cheek .
- 但一阵微风吹起,我能在脸颊上感到它的呼吸。
- 3. So too are the whitebark pines , whose nuts sustain grizzlies and black bears .
- 白皮松也一样,它们的果实是灰熊和黑熊的重要食物。
- 4. The final setting enables you to control whose tags of you are automatically approved .
- 最后的设置可以让你决定谁为你添加的标签能够被自动批准。
- 5. And whose airship just exploded ?
- 谁的飞艇刚刚爆炸了?