UK [ˈpæʃtəʊ]
US [ˈpæʃtoʊ]
- adj.
- 普什图语的
Word Origin
Pashto 普什图语(阿富汗官方语言)
- 1. Right : sgt. adams helps three young girl students with their pashto alphabet on feb.
- 右图:亚当斯中士帮助三名女学生学习普什图语字母表,2月5日
- 2. These days , the station offers call-in talk shows , news bulletins phoned in from reporters across khyber , and feature programs on health , education , women 's rights , and security all in local dialects of the pashto language .
- 如今,电台拥有电话访谈,遍及开伯尔全境的电话新闻简报,以及有关健康、教育、妇女权益和安全方面的专题报道等节目,所有节目都使用当地方言普什图语播送。
- 3. He is a pashto and former mujahideen commander who has his finger on the pulse of the military situation and the security industry .
- 这位讲普什图语的官员以前是穆斯林游击队指挥官,他对军队和安保行业的动向都了如指掌。
- 4. I studied pashto with my jailer , who promised , as a pashtun , to protect me from other taliban groups .
- 我向看守学普什图语,对方是个普什图族人,答应要保护我,不让其它塔利班派别伤害我。
- 5. He has just sat his 11-plus exam but even if he gets in to the local selective day school , pashto is not on the curriculum .
- 他刚参加完小学毕业考,但即使他进入当地的精英私立走读学校,课程表上也不会有普什图语。