英 [ˈti:mɔ:]
美 [ˈtimɔr, tiˈmɔr]
- 帝汶岛(马来群岛中一岛)
- 1. First , east timor 's legal status was different .
- 首先,东帝汶法律的地位与巴布亚的不同。
- 2. According to a local legend , the country of timor was once a large crocodile before it turned into an island .
- 根据当地传说,帝汶在变成岛以前是一只大鳄鱼。
- 3. The suharto regime used to argue that if east timor became independent , it would set off an archipelagic chain reaction .
- 苏哈托政权曾经放言假如有一天东汶闹独立,这也就等于拉响了群岛的连续阻击战。
- 4. What is the bearded sage saying about east timor in his blog ?
- 这个大胡子的智者在博客中发表了关于东帝汶的什么看法?
- 5. East timor 's president has criticized australian-led forces for failing to capture the rebels who shot him outside his home in dili last month .
- 东帝汶的总统批评澳大利亚领导的国际部队没能抓获2月在首都帝力他的住宅外向他开枪射击的反叛分子。
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