英 ['ɑ:bə]
美 ['ɑbə]
- n.
- 凉亭
- 树木
- (机器的)心轴
- (钓鱼用的)浮子
arbor 凉亭
来自herb, 草,指花园(凉亭), 受词根arbor的影响。
- 1. You may have heard of arbor day at school .
- 你可能在学校里听过植树节。
- 2. Just take arts courses at ann arbor .
- 在安阿伯里拿点艺术类课程吧。
- 3. Wild arbor veteran tea , aged puer cha tea .
- 野生乔木老树茶、陈年普洱茶等。
- 4. He added that toyota has already been spotted testing an autonomous vehicle near its ann arbor , mich. , engineering campus .
- 他还说,已有人在美国密歇根州安阿伯市(annarbor)丰田工程园区附近发现丰田在测试一辆无人驾驶汽车。
- 5. At borders 's flagship store in ann arbor this week , customers expressed dismay at the chain 's closing but weren 't surprised .
- 本周在borders位于密歇根州安娜堡的旗舰书店里,顾客们对这家连锁店的倒闭感到惋惜,但并不意外。
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