英 [ˈkænɪbəlɪzəm]
美 [ˈkænɪbəlɪzəm]
- n.
- 吃人肉,同类相食
- 1. Other human bones found near the skull cups show signs of flesh and marrow removal , a result either of cannibalism or mortuary practices .
- 在头骨杯的附近发现的骨头表现出了血肉和骨髓被移除的迹象,这要么是由于同类相食,要么就是停尸时的处理。
- 2. " This could be a good solution , " she added , reminding that cannibalism does not always mean the cannibal killed the consumed individual .
- “吃人就成了个较好的解决方案,”她补充提醒说,同类相食并不一定是吃人者杀害了被吃的那人。
- 3. Aren 't our values better than those of the ' primitive ' societies that practice slavery , cannibalism , and polygamy ?
- 我们的价值观难道不比那些实践奴隶制度、食人俗和一夫多妻制的“原始”社会所奉行的价值观更好吗?
- 4. The lucrative business of running funeral homes is rarely as blunt as that portrayed by monty python , a british satirical television show , and certainly not a front for cannibalism .
- 经营殡仪馆这一利润丰厚的行业很少会像英国讽刺电视节目巨蟒剧团(montypython)中所描述的那般露骨,它也肯定不是一种同类相食的掩盖手段。
- 5. In this case , what he suddenly sees , in the light of the moon while he 's in his mad state , is that the whole of chinese culture has consisted of cannibalism .
- 这种情况下,当他处于癫狂状态,沐浴在很好的月光下,他突然看清的是,整个中华文化就是吃人。