UK [ˈsɜːkəmspekt]
US [ˈsɜːrkəmspekt]
- adj.
- 谨慎小心的,周到的
Word Origin
circumspect 小心谨慎的
- 1. Other companies are more circumspect about their strategies .
- 其他公司对它们的人才策略则较为慎重。
- 2. Now that the fruit-eating mr hilton has gone , the task of reform falls back on to two more circumspect figures .
- 由于吃水果的希尔顿先生已经走了,改革的大任就落到两位言行比较审慎的人物身上了。
- 3. President george w bush comes across as circumspect and more than happy to delegate , contrary to the impetuous , god-fearing crusader of the popular imagination .
- 书中的乔治布什(georgewbush)给人以小心谨慎、乐于委派任务的印象,与公众印象中那个冲动而虔诚的十字军战士截然相反。
- 4. Since then china 's biggest offshore producer of oil and gas has become a lot more circumspect beyond its familiar borders .
- 从那以后,这家中国最大的海上油气生产企业在其熟悉的领域之外变得谨慎了许多。
- 5. Chinese officials were more circumspect .
- 中国官员对这个问题则更加慎重。
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