- vt.
- 填满
- 塞满
- 死记硬背
- 猛吃
- vi.
- (为考试而)死记硬背
- 狼吞虎咽地吃东西
- adj.
- 填鸭式学的
- 临时学的
- n.
- 死记硬背
- 极度拥挤
- 填塞
- <俚>压碎
cram 塞进
来自PIE*ger, 围,集中,词源同cramp, gregarious.
- 1. We cram it full of disturbing media images .
- 我们的头脑里充斥了乱七八糟的传媒影像。
- 2. However , you cannot just cram more transistors onto a chip in order to double its speed indefinitely .
- 不过,要想无限提高芯片的速度,不是说拼命往芯片上塞晶体管就行了。
- 3. You don 't have to cram it all in .
- 你并不需要把它一下子全塞进去。
- 4. And they always try to cram in too much material , hence they keep jumping from one supposedly significant event to another .
- 而且这些片子总是试图把过多的题材挤进去,导致整部电影一直从一个据说是很重要的事件跳到下一个类似事件。
- 5. Her first taste of reality came later the same day , as she lugged her bags through a ramshackle neighborhood , not far from the olympic village , where tens of thousands of other young strivers cram four to a room .
- 就在到的那一天,当拖着行李穿过一个破烂不堪、离奥运村不远的街区时,她便首次品尝了现实的滋味,在这儿,还有数万年轻的奋斗者,都是四人挤一间屋。
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