- abbr.
- damned average raiser 讨厌的平均分提拔者(那些得到高分而使平均分标准升高的好学生)
- defence acquisition regulation 国防采购规定
- digital aids recorder 数字化辅助记录器
- dressed all, round 全包扎
Word Origin
- 1. Dar es salaam is the largest city , economic center and former capital of tanzania .
- 达累斯萨拉姆作为坦桑尼亚国家的前首都,是全国第一大城市和经济中心。
- 2. The port of dar es salaam failed to pinch business from kenya 's port , mombasa , when kenya was in turmoil a year ago .
- 在一年前肯尼亚陷入动荡的时候,坦桑尼亚的daressalaam港口并没有从肯尼亚港口mombasa抢来生意。
- 3. In dar es salaam , tanzania 's commercial capital , chinese are banned from selling in markets .
- 在坦桑尼亚的商业首都达累斯萨拉姆(daressalaam),已经禁止中国人在市场上进行销售了。
- 4. For the columbia group in dar es salaam one of the aims was to understand the competitive environment in tanzania , says team member dana malman .
- 哥伦比亚商学院达累斯萨拉姆小组成员达娜梅尔曼(danamalman)指出,这个小组的目标之一是了解坦桑尼亚的竞争环境。
- 5. In the colonial carve-up that followed , lines were drawn between the port cities of mombasa and dar es salaam and the island of zanzibar .
- 在这片殖民地瓜分后,桑吉巴的区域线变成了从港口城市蒙巴萨到达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚首都)和桑给巴尔岛之间。