UK [dɪˈpɒzɪtə(r)]
US [dɪˈpɑzɪtə(r)]
- n.
- 存放人,存款人
- 寄托者
- 沉淀器
Word Origin
- 1. Any signs of depositor panic could force eurozone leaders to make critical bailout decisions without a greek government in place .
- 储户若出现恐慌迹象,可能会迫使欧元区领导人在希腊政府尚未组建的情况下就做出关键的纾困决定。
- 2. Meanwhile , the german bank would have a liability to the spanish depositor and a reserve position at the bundesbank .
- 与此同时,接受存款的德国银行对该西班牙储户产生负债,并在德国央行形成相应的储备头寸。
- 3. Shares in national city , based in cleveland , plunged 27 per cent to $ 3.26 , its lowest point in more than 20 years , even though the bank said it retained ample regulatory capital and had seen no unusual depositor or creditor activity .
- 总部在克利夫兰的nationalcity股价跌27%,至3.26美元,创逾20年新低,尽管该行表示其监管资本仍保持充裕,且未发现异常的存款人或债权人活动。
- 4. Ditto with entrusted loans , where a bank acts as an agent on a third-party loan between a depositor and a borrower .
- 在委托贷款中,银行也只是在储户与借款人之间的第三方贷款中充当中间人。
- 5. They also intend to set global capital and liquidity standards for non-banks that could be subject to investor panics akin to a depositor run .
- 该组织还计划对可能遭遇投资者恐慌(类似于储户挤兑)的非银行机构设定全球资本和流动性标准。