英 [dɪˈskraɪ]
美 [dɪˈskraɪ]
- vt.
- 看见,看出,辨认出
- 发现,查看
- 责备,谴责
descry 突然看到
des-, 强调。cry, 尖叫。引申词义突然看到,尖叫。
- 1. He can descry a way of overcoming the difficulty .
- 他能找到克服困难的办法.
- 2. Scrying comes from the old english word descry meaning " to make out dimly " or " to reveal . "
- 水晶球占卜来自古英语察看意思“制造朦胧”或“揭示”。
- 3. In this beautiful sunset photo , I seem to descry thewings oftheangel .
- 在美丽日落照片中,我好像看到天使的翅膀.
- 4. We can descry that the tang code 's constitute is quite rigor from the criterion on bribery crime whose charges are abroad and penalty is severe and scientific .
- 从唐律对贿赂罪的规范中,可以看出唐律的制定逻辑相当严密,其规定的贿赂罪罪名广泛、量刑科学,且处罚颇为严厉。
- 5. Soon , soon , it seems to you , you must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop , and but a little way further , against the setting sun , descry the spires if el dorado .
- 就快要到了,你觉得自己很快就能够爬上某个辉煌的巅峰,它就在前方不远处,你在夕阳余晖中,看到了黄金国的尖塔。